Kanał: Marco Arent

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Ron DeSantis on 2024 & COVID: Musk&039;s Support Discussed | Redacted with Clayton Morris
  • 27-5-2023
  • 00:00

Subscribe for more insightful political discussions Dive into an engaging discussion of SpaceX, its groundbreaking role in space exploration, and how key political figures like Ron DeSantis play a part in this bold new era. We'll be exploring the interplay between politics and the privatization of space, the influence of political leaders on the space industry, and the impact of SpaceX's work on our global community

wides.pl _hOOH6ukP7M
króciutki stream
  • 28-3-2023
  • 00:00

ostatnio nagrałem taki oto filmik dla OSP z mojej wioski z Sulmina w ramach konkursu. Teraz liczą się lajki dlatego jeżeli jesteś w stanie nam pomóc i poświęcić kilka sekund to wejdź w link poniżej i dodaj like'a. Z góry dzięki! https://www.facebook.com/116182911821409/videos/1226146180825071/?hc_ref=ARRYCjTuyaY51W5JNUOC0Gg-0K96YbiuMhc9SpuQhMG1I9-Wj3rE5jcnPJNvZTV0e7Y&pnref=story

wides.pl OidUq3RHE00
  • 11-1-2023
  • 28:00

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