I hate snakes | XCOM 2 Long War of the Chosen Mod Jam | Ep.37 - Marbozir
2 Long War of the Chosen Mod Jam is basically LWotC but with even more mods. Mod Jam is a meta mod that modifies other mods to make sure they work well with LWotC (yo dawg I heard you like mods...). Originally streamed on Twitch at Full Mod List (intende
Raamfan Raamfan: Lovely jubbley a new episode
Jairo: I think they did reapers dirty, it is supposed to be a hero class and some other classes that you can have infinite copies of can have even more broken features.
Naitbit: Nait journal p.5
No aliens with us on this mission, so it went smoothly. Though my teammates did great I was even more impressed with Skyranger lifting us up from the train tunel.
No aliens with us on this mission, so it went smoothly. Though my teammates did great I was even more impressed with Skyranger lifting us up from the train tunel.
DamienJnr x: Don't forget the defence matrix
Walter Verlaan: That was some good stuff.
OrionTheta1: New "Drinking Game"! Every time Marbs repeats a phrase or himself, take a Shot... ;) ;) Good Luck btw.
Jorge Freitas: For a second, when I saw the thumbnail, I thought someone was going to die here...
AlienRenders: It'd be funny if that mod that tells you what you missed just listed top level gear no matter what. :)
P Radziel: ohh man more Xcom!
DeludedOne: Dat thumbnail...
Film osadzony źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HxYS6ir7pg