Assetto Corsa EVO vs Assetto Corsa Competizone PC RTX 4080 Graphics Comparison | Brands Hatch - Cycu1

Assetto Corsa EVO vs Assetto Corsapetizone PC RTX 4080 Graphicsparison | Brands Hatch Many thanks to 505 Games and KUNOS Simulazioni for providing access key! Both games were captured in 4K Ultra settings. DLSS Quality. PC Gamay was captured on followin

@pavulon84: Jakos grafika na mnie szału nie robi wręcz jakby przez 10 lat co najmniej zero progresu w wyścigach a w porownaniu z Gran turismo z poprzednich filmikow mam wrazenie ze Gran Turismo jest plynniejsze jakby chodzilo co najmniej w 140 klatkach. Efekt szybkosci pedu tam jest zdecydowanie lepszy.
@juu226: Fajnie jakbyś zrobił porównanie z pierwszym AC ale mocno zmodyfikowanym, pobiera się coś takiego jak assetto corsa content manager i z tego poziomu można wgrywać różne shadery, na pogodę, pory dnia, odbicia itp. są materiały na yt jak ta gra wygląda po zmianach i moim zdaniem zjada EVO na śniadanie.
@TheHidalgo99: EVO, sadly, doesn't look better.
@wizardry-y3q: Assetto Corsa Competizone = Use Unreal engine 4
Assetto Corsa EVO = Use In-house Engine
@psnbrasileira9588: ACC = Final Product

Lets wait and see. Buy EVO now and play 6 months from here.
@technoboy21: What a downgrade. ACC looks like the newer version, pretty sad.
@johnnyv8279: They're both very close to my eyes in graphics. ACE is doing a lot better job handling the trees with little to no texture and shadows popping in like ACC. ACC takes it for the car model and interior as well since the inside out view is much bigger.
@sylvantilus: Evo have more details
@indigosaiyan4738: Is it me or does it just look more blurry
@britishgaminglivingthedrea5148: Your using a control pad why is that
@Fazersofti: AC EVO is currently 4% of 100% finished
@KennethDanielCalderon-Ar-ed7cv: In a racing game graphics come second ? Physics is number one ?
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