SFM FNAF Critical point 2 Preview - Zajcu37
FNAF The Stories Season 4 Episode 35 Thank you to all the patrons for supporting my content! BE MY PATRON HERE: Zajcu37\'sunity Discord Server Music: Between The Spaces The Soundlings
@Vadim-pr4rg: I've been waiting for this for so long
@FahadAlfaify: FNAF S4 25E CRiTCAI POINT 2 FREDDY?
@DoobiegamingHD: I can’t wait to see Toy Chica take down night, foxy and his troops
@DoobiegamingHD: I can’t wait to see Toy Chica take down night, foxy and his troops
@DoobiegamingHD: I can’t wait to see the original video after two weeks I am going to react to your videos zajcu
@Jabba_DKstarX: Let’s go another banger can’t wait for the video
@OliverCangas-d4s: WOW I'm in shock that this is going to happen like before, they ordered a Jack O and then they go to the factory. I want to see Golden Freddy and Puppet alive. Regards, zacju37 ❤❤❤
@joserodrigoimbat9903: That springtrap body 0:34 ?
@Krzy?Qrek: I think he hanging body of this guard who trick they like his tropheum.
@helfix2399: you know how in the trailer toy chica was hiding from nightmare foxy this scene is close except that toy chica had a different sword
@Catnap7954-e7e: Cool
@mircoroto2480: This video is awesome
@Samiy_anonymniy: Zajcu, you created the Greatest Fnaf Series of all time. EVER. You've earned my respect. Thank you for your childhood.
@Nezukolovesky: Am excited ❤
@Brawlizando-50: Sei que provavelmente você não vai ver isso mas se ver oq vc pretende fazer depois que essa serie acabar começa uma outra com uma historia totalmente diferente baseado no fnaf brecha na segurança???ou sei la parar de postar vídeos?
@Joe-yl4ud: I hope to see springtraps body back in the part 2
@ironwarriornlm: Toy chica :)
@DJDA011OFFICAL: There is this person named @zajuc37fan that reuploads your deleted videos
Are the videos from the archive really real?
Are the videos from the archive really real?
@totose2007: Oh, I think they're finally going to meet Funtime animatronics at the factory?
I just hope they bring Goldy and Puppet back to life safely?
I just hope they bring Goldy and Puppet back to life safely?
@jacobthekingevans7314: Mangle betrays nightmare
Film osadzony źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Waumo6J8Tag