This Patch is really not okay... - Vandiril

Here is your daily dose of Spaghetti, hope you enjoy. ➤ Send me your rays here: ➤ Follow me on Twitter: I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here:

@perciol9371: Ej mam pyt, czy za zappsy naglosnisz temat bugow azira ?
@iare19: And you cant see kayn in tower range when he uses his thingy. Game is so broken even after 15 years.
@7vreja7: wukong still needs nerfs
@benji8325: And right as start playing wukong
@janschonhofer5049: nobody talks about the statboard bug at the end of the match or not perfomance worthy masterys. D- for 4/4/18 70k healing Soraka...
@crowstar7617: imagine Vandiril to be hired by riot to find such bugs???
@artiom677: "try not to use your q" THIS SHOULD NEVER BE A THING
@0kam_1: Vandiril be workin 27 hours a day....
@dariusnexus8867: Look for Zilean passive, it takes 8 whole seconds to transfer exp instead of 1.2 lol
@gamercearense2520: Another bug in league??????? I can't believe...
@markmadarasz3729: BTW, it's always Wukong, there was a time when Wukong died in my games and after that he was revealed for everybody for the whole duration of the match, but it was like a year ago or so
@JuhJimmy: if you didnt see, zileans passive being broken by TP was seen in pro play today. Showmaker chose zilean mid. Throughout the game you can see him applying passive and its WAY longer then it should.

Takes the cooldown of tp and he just stands still for 8 seconds with no animation etc.

Axiom Archanist rune also works to apply cd to zilean r but does not increase the healing done on revive.
@vargatamas8965: "Riot Games: Maximum Profits, Minimum Effort."

Free rewards? Gutted. Hextech chests, mythic essence, champ capsules—gone. Even Blue Essence was quietly slashed (oops, their “mistake”).
Skins? Overpriced and underwhelming. AI-generated splash arts, no new animations for walk, crit, or facial expressions (looking at you, Ambessa).
Battle Pass? Nerfed into oblivion—no orbs, no grab bags, just scraps.
Game modes? Deleted. Winter map? Still MIA.
Bugs? Everywhere. Champs, skins, client—pick your poison. You can even get queued into two games at once now, forcing others to lose LP because Riot just won’t fix it.
But hey, they’ve definitely invested in one thing: ways to charge us more. RP costs? Increased. Skins? More expensive. The game? Falling apart. Riot takes your money and spends it... on what, exactly? It’s sure not on developers, improvements, or maintaining the quality of a competitive, world-class title.

I love this game, but it feels like a cash grab disguised as content. If we keep buying their bottom-tier, low-effort skins and passes, they’ll keep getting away with it. Don’t let them. Stand united for the game we deserve.
@8ball1Panda: Its not even the end of January and league is more spaghetti than Viego
@ehhhhhhhh2233: The other day I had vision on me, and when I left their vision, I had the vision eyes over my head the entire game. Who knows if it was a glitch or real vision on me, but I got absolutely smashed that game...
@itsgg2g372: I found a strange bug. When you enter the custom lobby (I was in 2v2 on aram) and I entered spectators, then when the game starts and you have a 3 minute time in front of you that you have to wait as a spectator delay, I left the game, started aram and when aram started it loaded me to this custom game instead of aram and the aram game took place, I was afk and even though the game was in the background I could start another game
@MadIIMike: G2 should have watched this... I think their Wukong was visible like half the game (which they lost to KC of all things) xD
@PESSSSTILENCE: riot paying for vandiril's new car with this season
@jeffreychen5130: Nah it’s ok half the people don’t even look map anyways
@tranngocgiabao7569: I just noticed that swiftplay willbow most likely only give d or c ranking after
I think riot did this on purpose because getting s in swiftplay is too easy or is it a bug?
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