Mel crossing Summoner&039;s Rift in 0.01 seconds - Vandiril

Today trying Mel with 10 000, 100 000 and even 10 000 000 Movement Speed! Special thanks to Aggaroth for this idea! ➤ Send me your rays here: ➤ Follow me on Twitter: ➤ Music: I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games. You can

@Draxlix: This is how Mel got back to Piltover.
@yeahfortriedge: "I must accelerate, post haste."
@warlitoroque2410: Rammus is shaking!
@cristopher2092: This video gives me Shadow vibes
@anoron1618: Gargo fast
@Azorent: Me: Mom can we get the new Sonic game?
Mom: We have Sonic at home.
Sonic at home:
@novu6196: Ngl this shit would be a funny as hell game mode. Everyone just having lightningspeed movement speed and trying to hit each other.
@dassteve875: Tower: "Who goes there!. Ah, must have been the Wind"
@forfanw1ososbie990: thats why she is black....
@lostinmyhead906: Mel jumpscare is now real LMAO
@ericklvf1025: Who taught Mel instant transmission?
@alvinluk9724: When you are advertising Noxus air the premium shoe
@Sooll: game commentator couldnt even keep up with her speed
@zarii2090: 2:40 she’s literally teleporting like goku
@Mamamarcel: Getting a dbz vibe at 1 million move speed.
@hamerssky1472: Oh, it's a very convenient way to get old teleport back!
@DawnofHope: Something about a dignified black woman Naruto running around the rift is just... it's just goofy as hell.
@LivingLifeWithMike: "Wanna see me do it again" lookin ahh
@AverageWannabe: me when i'm about to shit my pants
@Vanethen: DE JA VU
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