Illaoi is getting 125 Bonus Range on Tentacles? - Vandiril

Looks like a decent buff! It\'s particularly visible when youpare clips in the bot lane. ➤ Send me your rays here: ➤ Follow me on Twitter: I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here:

@dariusfilip4695: and camille gets jack shit even though she has no good usage of her E.. thank you riot
@metalmagerin3: Me on my Support Illaoi for fun behind where bot lane is a lot smaller: ???
@Tripleblyet: this would be a good update if they FIXED THE DAMN ELEVATION ISSUE like fr is it that hard to make all particles appear on the same y axis
@Regarel: I'm surprised they didn't do something unhinged like make the tentacles size scale with HP.
@ExtraPorkin: I like how they buff the shit outta stuff like irelia or illaoi but nerf teemo
@baptistelejeune6205: Riot... Why upping over powered char like here ? She can literraly 1v5 and you still buff her.. she needs a HUGE NERF !
@Helu12: They could've made the tentacles spawn next to her like Zyra's plants.
@XenagarD: You know I never understood why we needed to fix this, sure her winrate dropped, but that means she couldn't just w you in a wave and cause her tentacles to slam you anymore since the walls were moved further away, and she would have to pull you to a wall to get the tentacles to hit you, the e doesn't matter but this change seemed like it wasn't needed as before the change she would just be required to use a little skill to position right.
@stephanusterbalnche9304: I would have made it different, with the range imcreasing by the number of tentacles, yes 2 wont be so strong but once she ults she will have ranged damage
@technonick642: This champ needed this. Bard also needs one since it was brutally changed after the SR update.
@SenseiSeagal69: ofc because tyler1 can play it again
@kasan9743: XD get fkin cner riot games company
@MrWabaki: as always riot does a half assed job here. Seems fun trying to dodge something thats not indicated right. Make the Tentacle longer so it makes sence.
@hollowryder2732: where in the fuck are you supposed to stand vs this champ now?
@liendel328: isn't that just officially accepting the bugged range of tentacles? I mean they already hit farther than their hitbox on the floor, so why not officially extending it?
@R0bica: I’m thinking… what would stop us to play adc+support top lane and top on the bot lane? Wouldn t it be better with the new map?
@fenrirsnt2306: It's a really huge buff tho
@pokegames97: Riot smoking good crack
@the_soggster3464: As a 600k Illaoi main I can say 5 things for certain. (important note: shes getting a 10% tentacle dmg debuff]

[1]. Mid will be even more busted than it used to be for Illaoi (53 - 54 % WR average for last season with like no one doing it).

[2] Illaoi ults will be even more gross, quite a few times an Illaoi will ult and get bad tentacle spawns that genuinely end in her death. Theres time I lost due to a tentacle literally spawning outside of range of the spirit. That has been solved lmao. Its better even with the dmg nerf.

[3]. Aram Illaoi is busted if your not a numbskull into ranged.

[4]. Top is her weakest lane to be in by far, oddly enough (legit pick Illaoi into samira or nilah bot and ask to switch like fr). Its important to split bot and not top since the map changes.

[5]. If Illaoi builds serylda's grudge there will be no escape unless you got two dashes now.
@valentincruz6322: People think her biggest nerf was walls distance but its actually the omnivamp
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