Battle Mode Explainer | MARVEL SNAP - Marvel Entertainment

You craved it! You asked for it! And now... you got it! Battle Mode ising to Marvel SNAP on January 31. ► Watch Marvel on Disney+: ► Subscribe to Marvel on YouTube: Follow Marvel on Twitter: ‪ Like Marvel on Facebook: ‪ Watch Marvel on Twitch: Rewar

Niven Parekh: Bro has to upgrade 1526 cards ? 0:13
rowe: is it out yet?
Dean Lowdon: Is this live yet? Can’t seem to find it on my game.
Fatina Chen: Ah I've been hoping for this. MARVEL SNAP IS EPIC
Gaming 4 Every 1: I love this but can this dude get hired to do a transformers one like transformers energon
Nikita: Add random cards mod
im explen comics: Marvel release the sentry new comics please
im explen comics: Marvel release the sentry new comics please
Roman Ondra: how much levels i need to play with friends?
Vertigo Beatz: They screwed up we should be a able to request friends after matches.. What were they thinking..??
Vishu playz: We want india super hero
Dave Rell: Woulda been nice being able to switch decks each game tho
Gameneptune: God damn't awesome, even the developer excited too
HanzelFry: Wish i could try it. For some reason battle mode is locked.
Cassandra Hoffman: I wanna play but cant cuz i have ni friends that play which is such a bummmer cuz i love playing this game , aw nobody wants to play wirh me LOL
Miles Sherman: MARVEL SNAP Friendly Battle Code: 25090
Miles Sherman: Whose tryna battle?!
Nothin‘ But Will: Why is battle mode locked?
Shane Skaalerud: Except for one problem.

I have no friends.

By the way what are the advantages of playing game modes? Do you get the extra credit and keep them? And if not what’s the point of the game?
Mac Pineda: When do you develop it in where players can trade their cards? I think it'll be more interactive and fun
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