The Truth About Auschwitz by M. Ścisłowski 119431 Education video! ENG SUB - MASAKRACJA

Polski Jeniec Auschwitz Mówi Prawdę o Żydach! smutna prawda o Auschwitz by Michał Ścisłowski! Translated by MASAKRACJA ► UWAGA wulgarne komentarze prawdopodobnie zostaną usunięte (proszę używać *) SUBSKRYBUJ na YouTube: Kliknij DZWONEK aby być na b

Daniel K: true
Mariusz: o ale tego to ja nie wiedziałem że brak pieniędzy dla nas to wina nieudolności rządu na zachodzie, myślałem faktycznie że to anglicy tak to załatwili specjalnie...
Suzanna .Kwiatkowska: /watch?v=O0ipPwmQx-A
Suzanna .Kwiatkowska: /watch?v=eBrIMZmWgBc
Richard Harris: Polish Americans and supporters of Poland will be protesting across the US against a recently passed "American" law that sets up Christian Poland for EXTORTION from Anti-Christian and Anti-Polish Special Interest groups. This anti-Polish law was hatched by Anti-Polish and Anti-Christian groups that pressured the "American" government to pass it. Polish Americans will also be protesting against the fake media's Anti-Polish the fake media's anti-Polish BIG LIE of Nazi German death camps being "Polish death camps".

Protest of American Poles Against Discrimination
Nationwide Protests Against U.S. Law 115-171 (ACT S.447)
On Sunday, March 31st, 2019

On March 31, 2019 protests will be held in many parts of the United States against the Federal Law 115-171 (Act S.447). The protests will be held under the slogans: “Repeal Fraudulent Act S.447”, “We Say NO to the Giveaway of Heirless Property”, “Act S.447 is a Fraud” and “Act S.447 = Unconstitutional Precedent”. The protest addresses the issue of anti-Poland bias and hateful and defamatory statements by Israeli and some U.S. politicians who willfully falsify the history of World War II and outrageously accuse Poland of complicity in the Holocaust.

Our protests will take place in New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Hartford and Philadelphia and, in solidarity, in several places around the world.

kris k: 8 żydowskich łap w dół
3847 Polak: I to jest cała prawda ! Polacy walczmy!!!!
Zygmunt Banaszak: Seems like you've made good video, though why you call Americans "m...... " you fucking oxymoron ? You contradict yourself this way - ass-hole... This video can't be shared the way it is now - fix it. This is not "education", it's an insult to Americans and for us, as well...
bertonek85: Prawda bardzo dla tego Pana!
stopglobalswarming: Poland shouldnt have fucked with Germany either.
Artur Rogala: Kiedys zrobiles spoko odc. O Tomku Mackiewiczu nanga parbat. Szkoda ze go nie mozna ogladnac. Mam nadzieje ze zyjesz Masakracja. Pozdro
Jan Stabryla: Ta informacja dla najwiekszych klamcow zydow.!!!
Alex T. Kohn: Polscy faszysci
Tomasz Kowalski: Dziękuję za film i NAPISY. słyszałem już różnice między kl1 i kl2, lecz nie tak wyraźnie.
Polski rząd to w ogóle wrócił z tego uchodzcrwa,?
Babilon: Komentarze dla zasięgu
tomasz wo?oszyk: Należy słuchać osób które to przeżyły a nie spekulantów bdb film .???
Ted X: This is an insignificant Red Herring. The Elephant in the Bedroom is being completely ignored. That event is the fact that the Polish government has conducted forensic studies on the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz and concluded that the forensic studies conducted by the American gas chamber expert are true: that the alleged gas chambers were never used as gas chambers. /jhr/v11/v11p207_Staff.html
Alabama Mothman: Dont confuse globalist fascist media with the american people. We are awake, that's why trump was elected and we're fighting back against the global fascist.

We are going to send people to prison who tried to throw our election. Can poles say the same.
zbychukielichu: Komentarz dla zasięgu
JimTheHammerXCIII: Not really surprising, when you think about how Jews even want to own the word 'holocaust', as any other group of genocide victims trying to use it would diminish their revenue stream.

Like a bear and her cubs, you best not get between a Jew and his shekels...
Raf Al: Zawsze musi sie jakas kurwa trafic co da minusa
Jan Gajewski: Oswiecim to byl oboz dla pracownikow fabryki materiałów wybuchowych jak dymamit ( nitrogliceryna ) W metodzie. GNIAZDOWEJ tam stosowanej potrzeba bylo duża ilość ludzi którzy ginęli przy nieostroznym.obchodzeniu sie z nitrogliceryna
arturlp212: mnie to przeraza ze ten film widzialem juz kilka lat temu i nikt sie tym nie interesowal teraz gdy jest nagonka na Polskę, zeby przykryc prawdziwe powody i zamiary żydów, wypłyną
Marcin Michal Baczynski: /yf_4Hdl2ICE
Rhtr: Wielokrotnie pisałem i pisać będę gdzie się da: holocaust to zrobili sami żydzi z niemcami na Polakach! Teraz sobie z tego słowa przemysł zrobili. Szczura nacja!
Gerri West: Arthur R. Butz: The Hoax of the Twentieth Century—The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry
4th, corrected and expanded edition One main focus is on Auschwitz, which during WWII was a strategically important location of German petrochemistry. Information about this location had been available to the Allies for a long time. The fact that the claimed exterminations had to be known to the Allies but obviously were unknow to them, has always been sheer inexplicable for experts in the field. Except if those exterminations simply didn’t happen – and this is exactly Prof. Dr. Butz’s approach. /index.php?page_id=7
ocsob007: he did fine until he mentioned gas chambers,. there were no gas chambers.. there is absolutely zero forensic evidence of there ever having been gas chambers
ProjectSmith: Już jakiś żyd dał łapkę w dół. Ehhh, czy jest coś co nie należy na świecie do tego Żydowskiego narodu?
Dariusz Darek: Bardzo dobry material
Piotr Nezmer: Dobra robota. Udostepniać !!!
jerry hamilton: Gas chambers would have been an incredibly stupid thing to do.
After the gas has killed, it is still deadly.
Since gas likes to live in an enclosed space, opening the door is a start.
It would take weeks before it was safe to go in and retrieve bodies.
Just sayin'
Zbychu Myka: :( aż Płakać się chce :(
MASAKRACJA: Moi drodzy proszę o lajki pod filmem ??? - To bardzo ważne aby film dotarł do jak największej ilości osób na ŚWIECIE!
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