Drakkar meme vENT sRRY - Kemi

if you don\'t like venting justtt goo outez don\'t screeeem a t me but here i am posting fillers original: song: Distrion & Electro Light Drakkar [NCS Release]

Agnieszka P: Kurwa to jest piękne i masz ode nie suba i ?
mlemkat: Mimo, że to vent i tak według mnie film wygląda świetnie.
Nie wiem, może nie powinnam może tego mówić >> Niektórym to się nie podoba, więc przepraszam.
Ale twoje filmy zawsze są takie dopracowane i za to je uwielbiam.
A co do sprawy, na discordzie słyszałam mniej więcej co się stało i mówiłam to, ale powiem jeszcze raz. Mam dalej nadzieję, a raczej jestem przekonana, że będzie lepiej. Nie ma po co udręczać się takimi sprawami. Potrzeba na to czasu, dla jednych więcej, dla drugich mniej. Po prostu dbaj o siebie, trzymaj się swoich bliskich i jeśli potrzebujesz rozmawiaj z nimi o wszystkim. Po to są da ciebie. I my też jesteśmy dla ciebie.

A i jeszcze. Jeśli venty ci pomagają. To rób je. To twój kanał. A to twoje zdrowie i samopoczucie jest dla nas najważniejsze, więc jeśli pojawią się jakieś problemy z tym, to nie przejmuj się nimi ;3; Po prostu rób swoje a my dalej będziemy cię wspierać

Trzymaj się <3
Junii - chan :3: Offf this is gold❤ I love it so mucch❤ Nope You feel better soon❤
kuroros: i luv it owo
ItsMeFern2019: Awww Kemi! You listen to me okay? I know how it feels to be afraid that people are just annoyed when you vent and I'm sure there are a small handful of people like that but at least from my perspective, I like it when people post vents!

You are opening up and showing us that you're hurting and that gives us subscribers the chance to be here for you and maybe even help you!

I am here to support you, friend, and there are so many others like me here. If anyone gives you hate just delete it and focus on the majority that cares. Stay strong Kemi! I'm always here to talk ❤❤
Lewd On?san: Don't worry about it Kemi, if venting is what you feel you need to do to then don't let us stop you. Look on the bright side at least you are continuing to work on your channel and facing your feelings head on instead of completely shutting down to the point where you would do nothing all day right.?
Kekerman: that's just fucked up
Trunendex Art: O o baya nada mal a sorry creo que hablo otro idioma que no entiendes
hyena laughter: sceams positive words of encouragement
Vicats: Aaah I love your version! Thanks for doing my meme~
cam: i hope you'll feel better soon!
Ketyn: super ci wyszło!
Lovely Rose :D: Woow
JAY_XII: Great animation!! I can see your pretty sad and I hope you get well soon <3
germanyballartsandanimations: ??
opiekanemleko: ohh coooool
moving _channels.: Hey , it is totally ok if you vent !
Of course , it's a little bit worrying for us , but if it can help to express your feelings or something else , then no one has the right to judge you !
Also this looks awesome , thé tweening is super smooth and it's just *Q*
Mawa: Kocham ?
Claudia Villa: I’m glad this is back up again
PyroTheMage: Hey, I saw that you're going through some terrible heartbreak of sorts,
and although I don't know much about the situation at all,
I still feel concern for you as a long term fan!
Remember to find guidance in yourself and those around you.
May you never fight your battles alone and wounded. ?
blue creates: Making a vent is perfectly fine.you don't have to be ashamed, nobody will yell at you
Reinur el lobo disfrasado de cordero: Is really cool
Vexiy Ish: Did you broke up? ?
Akane loves to draw: Przepiękne ?
Potato Pride: Are you okay?
Cherry Starwberry: So good!!!
Narciax: Wow mega mi się podoba
Happyfuz1 Hi!: Hopefully everything gets better! This is amazing though :0
lylie the kittydog demon fox: Wanna hug? :(
Nateri 03: Jak zawsze, świetna robota ^^ ?
oreo fox kawaii: Amazing :O sugoiiiiiii
ReYu Amv: Nie no sztos Kemi ?
Kemi: i feel way better when venting
but i'm scared it annoys anyone here
you guys are my friends and i don't want to loose you because of venting too much qwq
Film osadzony źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0bqHt7s21w