LEGO WAR IN THE PACIFIC 2 - raptor5120

Animation by raptor5120; software Blender 2.68; sound effects Medal of Honor Pacific Assault

cooper 5553: It that jay in the war from ninjago
Legendary Gamer: boys killing girls? omg
jose tomas araneda barrientos: More ww2 videos please
Rock Lee: If only LEGO would take risks.
Charlie Huang: Very talented man
Phunpha Vashi: Awesome dude make more
Angeles Fonseca: Godó my bro
D`ZANI MOVE: This video is awesome Raptor 5120
Battle 3: Bengat mayat nya gak di apain
Tharulerme: Man, it’s such a shame that barely anyone in the comments knows Medal of Honor Pacific Assault. Even back when it was released, gamers overlooked it so much because it was pretty heavy on the graphics at release. It was actually quite an intelligent shooter with a serious story for the time. Shame so little people took it seriously, it’s really one of the best produced shooters.

The story was actually written by Steven Spielberg (in fact many of the early Medal of Honor games are, check his imdb page) and it just shows that he and EA were such a good partnership.

Do your homework kids, you can still buy the game at Gog etc.
Mari Sequera: ????????????⏳?
raptor5120: Thanks for every comment, like or subscription! :)
Please check my other channel, Bricks Animator:
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