Lego WWII Zombie Soldiers - raptor5120

Animation by raptor5120 Made with Blender 2.71

Memic Gaming: Needs more lego U.S soldiers.
Reverse communist: My brother and my cousin play a version of Wolfstein 3D, but in Lego
Da doge Gamer: Those guys are f*cked
Massiel Nuñez: fuck yes
Vhone Fulgarinas: I hope you stop the horde
Bryan Neri: WTF, what kind of gun does the person have with a robber hat bc it looks like a shotgun and BAR at the same time it's also automatic just LIKE the BAR
A.W Duplet: Battle of stalingard! pls
Dery Fitriansyah: Mantap bro yah
Eric Suhren: Huuuujjjujjiiiyyh,kkdiddiedkkzkajkkakkwekkdfkfmeieirjjeekekewkksdkdkdkkdkdckkkrkdkdksiiskdkkdkkdodkxxkxossososkakskxksksjsjssjsjsjssosjjayaghzgwgwyywywususudududuujdjdjdjdjdjjcidiidiririririroiffjjiififijfjfjfjfifjfirirururitifiiriiiir
Sonya Delapaz: Call of boody
Sonya Delapaz: Comander di next soldier c and soldier k
Maurilia Cortes: you shuold name call of duty
Holly Evans: Low quality loading
Benjamin Polens: Have you left YouTube
ericchan1908: Nazi zombies
Chusnul Sholichah: bayakya zombie ya
Eu Ball: Nazi Soldiers
Eu Ball: Nazi Zombies: .-. 1:24
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