Animation by raptor5120. Made with Blender 2.74 Music by Kevin MacLeod (ipetech) Licensed under Creativeons

O. B.: At the end, when Pilots respect each other as humans instead of flying devils
chicken studios: this is fantastic, what software did you use to animate this?
Ita Farrell: Nice to see its on germananic and British perspective usually ur video are u.s versus germany
keydeos gameplays: Its more like an coby ( Polish bricks) warbirds
Aaron Coy: is the german pilot adolf galland ?
Luckylass _boy23: I Like this animation
Adimar the lone therian: The guns would of jammed since they were firing for to long also the spitfire could out turn that bf 109 so i dont know why it has so much trouble trying to turn when it could do a left turn and be on the bf109's tail also im pretty sure the bf 109 should be dead also it looks nothing like britan it looks all sandy and stuff
McChubby9_FoRtNiTe 9: Nice editing
Michael Schwager: Raptor, love the video. Those pilots are awful shoots ?
RojoFern: Proof that when it comes to the air, it isn't people fighting people, it's machines fighting machines.
Empire Captains: ... That dude has a heart. 3:09 Why did he save him?
Inside Animation McCrary: Call of duty in a nutshell
Wallus Norto: That spitfire would be out of ammo and the me 109 plus spitfires couldn’t pull negative g dives or anything
Jake Walker13lol: Its made very good and i like the textures and soundeffects! ?
]:: The start of the plane fighting

Just so so

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