peppy & CATS osu! nutshell 5 - WubWoofWolf

Nya, Meow, Kici kici~ Stream: Packs:

Justin Y. Osu!: .
Lars Müller-Stumpf: 9:37 AYAYAYAYAY
Dean Herbert: so many good memories :D back when i played basically every beatmap
DelightfulWei: How can you spin 400rpm? WTF!
Chitoge4321: gamer!
ShirouJ: WubWoofWolf Is my spiration to play this game ;)
LongCATT: 4:34 Click The Pixels
Mer C: WWW will use 2010 skin in OWC
scy: shoutouts to the tong hua kids
Kao: burn my dread Kreygasm
deanZAbean: how many Osu! Nutshell will there be? I am loving all of these!
definitely not Ignas: big czolo like big streamer ksajo
Yoshi-chan: You realize you didnt play the map that I expect you to play the most right? :c

Hikozuki: LOL I IN VIDEO my name is wildnekoosu you can look me in all moments))))) LOOOOL
†?ean†: Peppy is furry confirmed
Kumiri Ksuki: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
WhiteWeebWolf: i like bald wolf better uwu
GdPlayer 1111: can you play dj taka quaver
NFG: #23... 13 to go!
DGmG 124: something nice
TheMistrzux: Nice video greetings from Poland :)
Nitrosu!: Then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind
And he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find
Cause Batman stole it and he shot and he missed
And Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist
Then he jumped in the air and he did a somersault
While Abraham Lincoln tried to polevault
Onto Optimus Prime but they collided in they air
Then they both got hit by a Carebear stare
Shiny Froakie: Minute 4:34 appeared in the WubWoofWolf video, I think I'm famous now.
Lagk: You look like iDubbbz in the thumbnail
Allie Osu: all the sliders in peppy's map are mapped to the dance
it's great, reminds me of EBA
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