FA 50 uzbrojony samolot szkolny - Gdzie zaczyna się wojsko...

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Aleksander Allien: Dziś według mnie wszystko jest na kredyt ale to zbrojenie musimy zrobić w 8-10lat nie 20lat
Martinez11033: Jezusie Ale to jest potok informacji. Coś niesamowitego :o
marcin kwiatkowski: wszystko rozumiem komentowales to co prodokujemy albo poszczegolne moduly nagle sie zaczelo potrzebujesz czasu aco za ten samolot f16 z drugiej z trzecie reki ma byc rozwijany nie bronie tego ale co i tu hest pytanie
marcin kwiatkowski: a co z modernizacja polska tylko nie z kartki
Neith Johansen: Bardzo dobra decyzja. USA niestety nie daje nam możliwości rozwoju własnej produkcji. Kraje Europejskie również opieszałe i nie bardzo podoba im się posiadanie takiego samego uzbrojenia jak nasze. Tylko Korea Południowa posiada nowoczesny i bardzo zbliżony sprzęt do tego, który my posiadamy i nie postrzega nas jako zagrożenie dla siebie a w dodatku pozwoli na tworzenie w przyszłości własnych konstrukcji i obecnie serwisowanie ich. To jest droga do przyszłości i niezależności.
Tomasz Piotrek: Głupie pomysły klaunów z rządu. Kolejny system i kolejny i kolejny i kolejny..... Tylko czekam na wojnę jak to wszystko jebnie. Marna pociecha.
B Soo Jeong: ㅎㅎㅎ 난 한국에서 왔다
Master Commander: The Atheist and Christian (the Atheo-Christian South Korean) FA-50 and KF-21 are of much BETTER quality, resistance, and superior technology than the communist Chinese JF-10 and JF-17 and even better than other J made by China or than the bolshevik type of fascism's MIG and SUKOI 's (SU) made by Russia. The South Korean FA-50 and KF-21 are not only of better quality, superior resistant technology BUT ALSO totally clean, not having Chinese electronic bugs and hidden technology controlled by China (or Russia as is the case) spying and projecting every position, war spying military information reporting automatically back to China's communists and then to enemies that pays for the information, as did with the Chinese drones bought by the Ukrainians while the
always received the coordinates-positions of those drones and the Chinese drones did not last long, and getting fast destroyed the same like the Russian drones made so that others could loose the wars and only the Chinese and Russians could profit in one way or another. Both of the South Korean fighter jets FA-50 as well as the KF-21 are twice better than any Chinese and Russian fighter jets, in quality, resistance, and superior resistant and very accurate in precision technology of high quality while lower in price, (a lower price 25 million euros or dollars for a better technology than the Chinese and Russians), FA-50 and the KF-21 are
twice better.
The Chinese planes such as JF-10, JF17 and all "J "s in general, are like the Russian MIGs and SU (SUKOI 's) with much boasting, deceiving of being better while are not. Nor are of great precision, and nor are of a high quality like the American, European, South Korean and Japanese planes are, reason for which they reign in most countries, over the entire planet are famous and proved with higher precision and
stronger, resistant
better quality.
The South Korean FA-50 and the KF-21, could be trusted as much as the South Korean Samsung mobile (cell) phones, of high quality, yet clean without spying technology of uncontrollable reporting coordinates to enemies or with self sabotage chips incorporated as the Chinese phones, cars, drones and planes JF-10, JF-17 and all "J " types and numbers, have and do because that is how the Communists are and is part of their soul and core-being to try to control every aspect of everyone's else life. Keep in mind
that the
South Korean superior fighter jets FA-50 and KF-21 are made with cooperation (joint venture) with the best in the world fighter jets war airplane makers which are the Westerners, which never stopped inventing new and better technology sooner and faster than the Russians and the Chinese tries to copy with modifications and imperfections. The Russians and Chinese copies with modifications creating imperfections, but the modifications are necessary to prove being their own inventions, so that they do not pay for the Western patents of inventions which are the most with greatest number by million times more in the entire world than the inventions made and patented in Russia and China, (which usually copies and modifies but are not good to invent much, or of good quality).
There are no better war fighter jets (airplanes than those made by the Americans, South Koreans, the Europeans and the Japanese, since are all producers of CLASS 1, fighter jets made perfectly as good as could be without any extra modifications through illegal copies of patents as the Russians and the Chinese are notorious, practicing theft through modified copies that reduces the perfection, superiority and long term performance and accuracy. Producers like the Russians and the Chinese makes the inferior CLASS 2 airplanes and jet fighters, since started with copies of
British - European
or American
engines and then modifying them bringing imperfection without realizing, away from perfection to make them appear (through modifications) as if have been invented by themselves (Russians or Chinese) not understanding that modifications of perfect made designs, takes the perfection away and turns them into inferior (modified) copies, less perfect, the CLASS 2 type, not of as good quality. As an example ;
For example
the first engine that the Russian - Soviets used for their MIGs was an imported British Rolls-Royce engine into Russia, later copied illegally by Russians to make others but with modifications so that it could not be proved are stolen patents (because to be allowed to copy legally you must pay a very expensive fee to cover the expenses and a profit for the inventor and the owner of the patent). All MIG and SUKOI (SU) engines are made as modifications from that illegally copied and modified from that British Rolls-Royce engine taken by Russia, copied illegally but with modifications. Next guess
what happen:
From the Russians got fighter jets also their Communist fake brothers (the Chinese,) deceiving themselves with "friendship forever" while Russian stealing Chinese lands still under Russian occupation. So the Chinese too copied but the copy of a modified copy leads you having an even worse airplane (the JF ), worse than those Russian SU made in Russia. (The British engines were the best to which the Russians had access at that time.
That's because
They had no access to American engines at that time. British engines are still among the best in the world), better than any possible Russian and Chinese engine makers). The British technology is shared with the other European Jet fighter airplanes. Note that FA-50 also are made with Western, (with American made engines) not stolen and modified but paid for the patent to use the original exact technology, for the very fact
that the Americans
are among the top best makers together with the Europeans and the Japanese and now also the South Koreans as well. The same in the missiles and rockets made of best quality and best precision. Between the South Korean FA-50 and the Chinese JF17 and other J 's, most certainly (FOR SURE), the FA-50 are THE BEST, are superior in abilities, in quality and in radar escaping. That is why they don't even have to boast about. The FA-50 is almost the twin brother
of F-16.
That means that whoever learned to pilot one type either (F-16 or FA-50), could also pilot of fly with the other type, with almost no extra training. They also have the same American engines and not only much of the same famous and perfect fighter design. The truth is that the quality of the FA-50 speaks for itself which is the same "AS GOOD" like F-16. The South Korean anti-communist and anti-bolshevik type of fascism (anti-such) South Korean maker of
top best
fighter jets, are among the best and next to those that are American, European and Japanese, all clean without the communist bugs for spying and sabotage that the Chinese and Russian use on their airplanes, missiles, rockets and bombs which are supposed to be smart and accurate while are not. NOT as their Russian and Chinese deceitful propaganda keeps deceiving the naive; yet were shot down in Ukraine very easy. Yes, they keep
that are very good while are not. The Russian government and the Russian supporters under Putin has become famous as deceivers, for deceiving and lying. Almost all people world wide know that by now. In January and February 2022 when the Russian Army was making military exercise or practice near the frontier of Ukraine, Putin and the Russian government said that Russia will not invade Ukraine, but he did invade, and so he and his people proved
that Russia
have never stopped deceiving and lying since Lenin and Stalin. Now is Putler using lies and deceiving, and continuing to copy illegally western technology and modifying it into imperfection to say later that is perfect and that they have invented it, while almost always the truth is the opposite of
what they say.
It is in the real war situations, that the Russian and Chinese technology have been proven with false boasting and deceitful, of bad quality and easy targets and easy shot down, the same like their Chinese drones. The Ukrainians have already proved even against the top Russian fighter jet which the Chinese have copied under the JF and J part of the name and now exports in Pakistan, and from there even to other
but are of bad quality and inferior, and also with bugs since the communist Chinese are control freaks, always wishing to have control over as much of the people of the world as it may be possible . If your politicians desire little bit cheaper with bad quality and inferior technology airplanes, fighter jets and weapons, with bugs for getting sabotaged by communistic or Putlerian Fascistic regimes, then they
may buy
the JF-10, JF-17, J 's whatever number and SU (SUKOI) whatever number your corrupt politicians wish so that could easily be shot down as even the 'so called' "most advanced" SUKOI 'S ( SU) have been shot down in Ukraine and proven of being the latest generations of Russian "SU" jet fighters, about which the Russians boasted of being stealth and faster than anything else there and the best. Well, clearly they weren't as fast, or the best, or as good as they were deceiving and boasting that they are, since THEY GOT SHOT DOWN by the regular
Ukrainian soldiers.
The Russian fighter jets and technology is as bad and weak as the Russian army, and the Ukrainians proved the inferiority and low quality of the Russian Army and of the Russian technology and planes of all types shot down easily so that the Russians now don't even dare to fly Russian jets in Ukraine to take control over Ukraine with jet fighters. The Chinese tech is even worse since is copy of the Russian technology which itself is copied with changes and modifications away from the performance high quality and precision of the Western Technology and the Japanese and South Korean high quality.
TheTallRaver: Dzieki!
DID DID: Orgia liczb. Brak podstawowych informacji po co to, do czego i na co. Wady i zalety. zastosowanie, cel. Materiał na poziomie wikipedi, a nawet poniżej.
grupa 211: Zaletą FA-50 jest to, że są dostępne, a więcej F-16 w tym momencie nie. Kupiliśmy je dlatego, że Lockheed powiedział, że teraz nie ma czasu na wyprodukowanie F-16, bo jest kolejka na F-35 i czekanie na F-16 trwałoby nie wiadomo jak długo. FA-50 są przynajmniej podobne do F-16 pod względem zastosowanych części, więc dzięki temu da się w końcu zapewnić dość części pasujących także do F-16 (efektywność kosztowa, do małej ilości samolotów zapewnienie kompletu części kosztuje więcej niż te samoloty, im więcej samolotów tym taniej to wychodzi), żeby latać mogły wszystkie oraz żeby piloci F-16 też mogli latać cały czas, na samolocie z którego można przesiąść się po kilku godzinach szkolenia
ghjk ghjk: FA 50 uzbrojony samolot szkolno- bojowy.
Younghoon SON: For defense budget wise and sustainability aspects, you don't have to drive Ferrari for everyday commute purposes. If resources are unlimited, acquiring top-notch modern stealth fighters such as F-22 and F-35 is the best option for all. Every major decision makings for defense acquisition are to be sovereign and therefore upto the People of the Republic of Poland. There are 3 major variables in terms of Polish decision objectively.

1. Urgent Need and the global Availability of the target system
2. Expected Performance requirements and Budget condition as well as cost-effectiveness
3. Maintenance, Compatibility and Sustainability( including tech transfer, influence on domestic industries etc.)

Enough preparation for High, Medium, Low level aerial tactics are new norms nowadays. FA50 has been proven to be a highly effective aircraft as a multi role light combat machine. Poland is to secure multiple F35s for high level aerial superiority. F16s are already available in poland Airforce for Mid and high level aerial defenses, which would be highly backed up with the acquisition of FA50s. Plus, Fa50 shares vast majority of its components with your F16s in the tarmac of Poland. Only 6 hrs needed for the FA50 pilots in the transition training for F16. BL20 upgrade is scheduled. MRO and Flight Training center would be available in poland during the execution of the FA50 acquisition contract recently signed.
Also, maintaining cost is comparatively n extremely lower than F35 and F16.
FBW(Fly-by-wire) is a basic feature of FA50 for the precise control in terms of combat maneuverability. Almost all of the F16 armaments are compatible with FA50. In BLOCK 20, AESA radar.

Confer ROK Airforce structure.

"If you want
Peace, prepare for War"
b3rs: 14:00 A co ma moc silnika do maksymalnych dopuszczonych obciążeń konstrukcji samolotu?
F-16 ma ograniczenia odpowiednio 9g i 6,5g czyli o 1g mniej. I?
SeaFirst: Korea tries to make super fighter jet - KF-21 similar as F-22 raptor. Korea wants to make pilot school in Poland. - FA-50 and KF-21.
Nexus: I wreszcie ktoś bez reklam i nie promujący swojej książki - która przewiduje przyszłość.
Mariusz Owsianko: Zamiast dziadować i kupować M 346 trzeba było kupić odrazu T 50. Jest droższy ale dla szkolenia pilotów F 16 lepszy. Tylko kogo w ów czas obchodzili polscy piloci?
Leszek Mioduchowski: Pozdrawiam... :)
Jan Osik: OK
Czes?aw Kazecki: III.W. wybuchnie już za 2 miesiące i kilka dni. Ma się to stać w 6 tygodni ( przeznaczonych na odbycie Spowiedzi św. z całego życia ) po PRZEŚWIETLENIU SUMIEŃ. Zatem można się jej spodziewać 2 lub 3 czerwca. Czy w tym czasie będziemy mieli owe samoloty z KOREI ?, gdyż na pewno nie będzie F-35 ani broni i sprzętu będącego w produkcji - a które to mają być dostarczone w drugiej połowie roku lub w 2024 roku. Czeska PRAGA ma zginąć od silnego ładunku atomowego w dzień Św WERONIKI, a więc 9 lub12 lipca. Po 15.VIII. - po wielkim użyciu broni atomowej - mają wystąpić gigantyczne kataklizmy, jak wulkany, trzęsienia, potopy (POLSKA ma ulec zalaniu wodą na 1/6 powierzchni, a OBWÓD KALININGRADZKI zostanie zupełnie zmyty wodą z BAŁTYKU. Temperatura w wielu miejscach ma spaść do minus 80 stopni - co przy 3 m warstwie skażonego śniegu spowoduje, że uratuje się się 1/1000 ludzi.
Jakub Pyrek: ??‍♂️
Sromotny Kobziarz: Ok, opowiadaj
v Y: Kiedy odcinek o Ukrainie
Jakub Drachal: Where czołgi
M M: Złom, jak czołg K2
Film osadzony źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvysZyouIPk