Warning to American Expats Kult America - Kult America

After living in Europe for over a decade, I have recently learned about the harsh legal reality of being American that many pee overlook. I think its critical that anyone else who is potentially in the same situation be informed of their obligations and

JoseitoEdlVodao: Well kids, now you know why Eduardo Saborit from Facebook quit the US.
JoseitoEdlVodao: Funny, does your last name sound like: Such as in English?
Penguins Fan: I watched the video with great interest. While this law was written, passed and signed into law during the terrible Obama Regime, the truth is that both American political parties exist to serve themselves. This is the true nature of The Swamp, the inside the Capital Beltway band of thieves, hypocrites and other criminals.

Ryan, short of renouncing your US citizenship, you are and always will be an American citizen, subject to every law passed by Congress and signed by the President, as well as any Federal regulation created by the bureaucracy. Your hard earned Polish citizenship means nothing to the United States Government. Your daughters may well be subject to the same laws and regulations as you - a brighter legal mind than mine can clarify that for you. I work in insurance regulation - not something I thought I would ever do for a living. Cost-benefit analysis is absent from government policymaking.

While I suspect you and I would agree on little politically, you should vote in EVERY US election. I don't know how being an expat works in term of state citizenship, but you should check that out, too. You have a voice equal to anyone who lives in the US.

As nasty as the US Government can be, American citizenship is still a valuable asset, perhaps the most valuable. Your daughters may never want to set foot in the US - or they might want to make their careers here.

Your videos are always fascinating and the enable me to learn more about the land my great grandparents came from. Thank you. Poland is a beautiful country with hardworking , intelligent determined people who are bringing Poland to the greatness she has always been destined for.
shanksiskoool: Omg . This is messed up.
Léa: Not everyone. It doesn't touch the 1% and their off shore stash...
Marie Mazur: The USA is trying to keep us from leaving. They don't want us even going or moving abroad. You know that wall Trump is building? It's to keep us inside this messed up country not keep foreigners out. Expats can't even park their money anywhere (Swiss bank account), IRA, savings accounts, investment portfolios without getting it seized by the IRS. The cost to renounce your citizenship has gone from $400 to $2,000. The government raised that price substantially. Why do you think they charge the highest out of any country for airline tickets alone? It has absolutely nothing to do with the price of fuel. Do you see what is going on here?
B.s.M: i dont mean to be disrespectful but who in the right mind would leave america?!!! i know the country is not perfect but to decide to leave for good is foolish. you wont get the same life style anywhere else.
For Sure: You arent special, you arent "expats" you are inmigrants in the countries you go to. Remember than when you are back to your country.
Temboz: Just lie and dont report how the heck are they gonna know...I personally know If I were to leave the USA for good and have a second nationality i would NEVER declare a dime to them ..if you have another nationality you just open your accounts under that nationality case closed..I know a person that was a USA citizen and decided USA life was not for him,he packed a bag quit his job and left the USA for good..he was just a regular working guy,but had another nationality...dude never had to renounce or anything cause that's another unnecessary expense....there is no way the USA is getting money from all those people scattered around the world even with all its resources.
Steven Ray: Bitcoin.
Ants-in-my-eyes Johnson: What a great video
Master Hughes: our country is collapsing now due to corrupt government it will get worse.
vlodpg: The american congress doesn't give a damn!
HELLO WORLD: #ForReal thank you for sharing!
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SeabourneWolf: I think all Americans know they have to report their taxes at this point. If your smart enough to escape America...renounce your citizenship and you no longer have to pay taxes and you can still get your social security if you paid it
Pietro Giuliano: So the USA is the Evil Empire in star wars
Hi There: 110% Thanks for sharing.
Jack Booted Hug: fatca
brilliant in a sick jewish kind of way
Ay?enur Hal?c?: First comment is for Turkey??????
Kult America: Anthony is a dear friend of mine who saved me when I was in a terrible situation - SHARE THIS video with any Americans living abroad so they are informed and avoid the same situation. See the full interview about my personal case here.. /watch?v=9g3Qlqdt_Dk
Film osadzony źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JehVgDogTEM