Why I Left America for Poland 2 Kult America - Kult America

After this life changing experience at the Skansen in Sanok, I have decided that for the next half year I will be focusing on Podkarpackie once again, one video every month! Context: A few years back I had created a video titled \"Why I Left America f

Archi Dembol: Wygladasz jak Boryna
civrn: Your videos give me nostalgia for memories I never had.
J T: hej pamietasz to /watch?v=-fc_4510fgU ? pzdr
Denne Lust: Drogs 100 % Boy tarapi yu niet
lealib9090: I am half polish half russian. And love Poland, want to live there?
William Anderson: I ran into the same eerie-ness with my family home. I found a picture of it on the web. No one had visited it from the family in three generations or had seen pictures of it. I found I was living in a duplicate of it from the furniture placement to the colors on the walls. I would love to see it in person before I leave this earth. Thanks for the insite.
J Bel: Thanks a lot, for video I’ve been to national museum in Kyiv /1XviyFJ43VI also in Lviv, now polish is on the my list. And I am also polonian, but live in Ukraine.
DOMINIK KRENCZER: Jestem dumny bycie Polakiem
I'm proud to be an Polish
Ewiger Schüler: Now imagine what I feel as a German with Siebenbürger Sachsen ancestors. Feels like I'm incomplete in some way.
Archi Dembol: Boryna /wiki/The_Peasants
M G: Jak ptaki, niektórzy z potomków powracają do rodzinnych stron. Czyż piękniej może domykać się historia...?
kanclerz: Remember you have the blood of Winged Hussars.....
Guy Jeremschuk: Looks like Jimmy Jones leading his flock to the kompot.
TG PL: Kurde niesamowite, że mamy takiego rodaka. Można się dużo od Pana nauczyć. Pozdrawiam ;)
Sy Guzman: Beautiful video! I'm mixed with so many cultures, I simply don't claim one. I always mark "Other" but it would be awesome to at least travel to one of my many nations ?
Marcin Mahny: ?
smokeybiatch: im from sanok, its all nice until you cant make money because the economy is so bad. this is all beautiful and whatnot but reading comments from all these delusional people whos families may have some connection to poland, is pathetic. poland is not this great nation that provides for its people, thats probably why your ancestors moved out, youre longing for a delusion.
BatSkink: I have no idea why this is in my recommendations
lesna wataha: pozdrawiam z Sanoka?
MoreBloos: you back
Kult America: ??Why did I leave America for Poland? It’s simple, after a few generations I cam home…??

I will spend the next half year filming in my ancestral region, today known as Podkarpackie. Subscribe for more!
Eric Rudnitsky: First yay you back
Vianox Irkagelon: Jak widzę, robisz dużo filmików o Podkarpaciu. Ale dziwię się, że nie byłeś jeszcze na Wrzawach . Mini lasy z fasoli "Pięknym Jaś" są ogólnie znane!
Tezak: Podkarpacie ❤ Pozdrawiam z Przemyśla
Eric Rudnitsky: ??????♥️
Archi Dembol: You looks like Maciej Boryna /wiki/The_Peasants
Pomorzanin 72: Zapraszam na Pomorze Zachodnie
Kiremi: What a great video! <3 I do not even want to know how much time you spent to produce something like that!
Galician Polonizer: Moja mama jest z Podkarpacia
Kenny ten z TWD: Your the greatest youtuber that's who you are
XszablaSABRE: Stop it! Now i really wanna go there!
Matiz - "Life is brutal": Awsome movie
Zajac 01: Woow :)
Film osadzony źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuJPLGJAb9g