ORNN ITEMS REVAMP! Big changes coming! PBE Preview - Vandiril

Ornn changes in details: ➤ Send me your rays here: ➤ Follow me on Twitter: I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here:

@GenusMusic: GA nerf by 1 armor please
@sara8913: Ataraxia, Syzygy, Dreamshatter, Hope Adrift, Seething Sorrow, Wyrmfallen Sacrifice, The Baron's Gift...
You will all be missed.
@shuraizo2877: Guardian Angel should give 69 AD and 69 armor. That 1 armor is barely going to make a difference anyway
@adrianadrian7555: the name change is gay, there is nothing cooler than the names of the ornn artifacts
@GabrielSilvaWolf: ohh i like when change the name :c
@thewolf7668: I usually put actives on the first slot and not all actives have good upgrades. Maybe they should change that thing too?
@santiagosancho2317: I think they should make it so when you play with an Ornn on your team your first slot is highlighted in a different color, and if you hover over it it says "the item on this slot can be upgraded by Ornn" so everybody knows how to use his passive
@fallenembers_: 0:58 Nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@davihlucas6987: This is kinda broken for adc mains, if you have an AP ou AD assassin you just build a high Armor/MR item and upgrade it (like frozen heart or malmortius)
@roysparkizay: goodnight, ataraxia, my sweet prince
@enodo8566: "or support items" WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Wtf is this man
@a7mdftw: damnn was so fun reading these names , why did they remove it man
@Deus_Te_Ama_Muito: Hey SIr, Check on Live server please?
Moon Stone proc Font of Life only for One champion if you have Staff of Flowing Water and ardent censer
I Tested with Lee sin, it works redemption and W if you have aery.
I tested with Shaco With Font of life and aery, it didn't proc the Heal to next ally, i didn't see nothing on patch notes about the rune changes.
BUT if you have aery with Shaco and use redemption + MoonStone it procs to next ally
Also, now you can apply slow on enemies with Echoes of Helia + Font Of Life
@Bellicosy: I hate this change. Only boots can go in slot one...
@jaotrx7163: I just want my fk double upgrade.
@HarDarkable: adc season?
@filippo5834: As far as i saw ornn is upgrading only 1 item for himself instaed of 2
@ricomambozero3811: are Boots can be also upgraded?
@hobbyhobbyhobbyhobby: Hi Van, can you check out fizz's E right now? its definitely glitched and doesnt make you untargetable for the time window it's meant to
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