14.11 FULL PATCH PREVIEW a lot of changes are coming! - Vandiril

Preview of Patch 14.11 Turret, Items, Champions and Rune adjustments! Sources: Morde table from Frank: ➤ Send me your rays here: ➤ Follow me on Twitter: I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the p

@KHfan0011: Okay let's just address the elephant in the room. Look, Riot, just give Smolder a Navori Quickblade passive with the magic damage on ALL his spells. There. Fixed. Does that fix all the insane amount of nerfs the new items gave him? Nope, but it's a start at least.
@sebekgra8416: These yi buffs are a sad joke which we wont evel feel in game and we lost 90% of AS and 33% dmg in E
@SadToffee: Riot simply cannot for the life of them actually nerf their precious special toplane boy.
@warrior728: Nami need more damage on W
@BBTSU33: 5 man fights in bot lane for first tower does not seem like a fun meta to watch or play
@Pandorios: that tower damage change is the most bullshit thing ive ever seen, now theyre just gonna target bot lane, thank you riot
@buckfitches8845: What does Riot want from ADC mains, man? At this rate we'll be playing mage botlanes only.
@PowerEd8: Hwei nerfs were deserved, i play him a lot, the new burn item and his QE made him melt waves very early,
@AdamSmashin: Can't believe they nerfed Samira and her two core items
@charybdisfgl2048: The new patch is awesome because it doesn’t let me play league.
Can’t connect to any games after champ select ??
10/10 would recommend, I can finally touch grass
@g-mo7130: Riot: Okay so the goal of this game is to destroy turrets and ultimately the nexus.
Also riot: noooo you're destroying the turrets too fast
@Ocelot93090: Anytime the west comes up with something that gives them a competitive edge against the east riot nerfs it. lmao.
@user-qw6kf4zb6e: Can someone tell me why I loose ap when I buy Doran’s blade at the start of the game. For Explanation: if u pick kennen he starts with 9 ap — if u buy Doran’s blade it gets deleted to 0 ap I don’t see a reason why that is. I haven’t testet it on other champions — maybe it’s something simple that I am missing but would be dope If someone could explain . Thanks !
@stanimirborov3765: 04:43 errrm dafuq?? pantheon ONLY buys hp items..wtf man
@stanimirborov3765: phreak..err i mean vandiril reviewing patch notes int
@paulbaesie3950: Im late because i did not see the patch notes, but pantheon having ap ratios is a ptsd for pant mains from his old skills (remember how his ult can 1 shot everyone)
@amethonys2798: Time to play "fun and interactive" Nasus mid where you just take Comet+Scorch and poke every mage out of the lane and run them down after buying Sheen even with few stacks.
@amethonys2798: The issue with the ADC items is they don't have enough stats. Literally no one is going to touch shieldbow before like 4th+ item because it doesn't actually do anything. Idk why they removed the lifesteal on it when Samira+Nilah and co relied on it as a rush item.

Speaking of Nilah she also got done completely dirty with the Navori changes.
@razeik5.088: Im not a caitlyn main but as a adc im kind of offended by the nervs cause they absolutly f her and that after hwr being bottom tier adc for the most parts of the last seasons like you didnt really face cait. Then them focus nerving her w is so cringe because its literally the most skill experssiv skill in her kit and the whole point of it is this you get MUCH dmg when getting trapped but i guess riot just doesnt like skill expression. Its honestly sad to see cause her playstyle is super fun. Like the whole dps playstyle doenst suit her at all because she is such a combo heavy adc that if you miss your combo your gonna die she just feel super bad as a kiting dps adc
@nastaselalexandru7947: Soo k'sante got buffed nice soo more cancer in top
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