GABARYTY Jedziemy do NIEMIEC! OVERSIZE TRANSPORT We are going to GERMANY - Iwona Blecharczyk

Hej! W dzisiejszym materiale zobaczycie naszą nową przygodę! Startujemy spod naszego biura w Rzeszowie. Jedziemy na załadunek. Opowiem Wam, dlaczego ładunki w materiałach są rzadko widoczne, zanujemy naszą nową trasę i odwiedzimy ciekawego gościa! LINK

@user-Chailloyalain: Hello Iwona. Partir en week-end sur la route devient compliqué lorsque l'on a goûté à la tranquillité à la maison. Pour le McDo, de temps en temps, ce n'est pas un problème. ????
@rahmidemir4942: May your path be wide and your earnings be fruitful princess, lt's great to see you at work like this ❤ İwona ♥️ Blecharcyzk ????
@alberthartl8885: I really enjoy your videos and I understand why you chose to speak in your native Polish. But you really need to upgrade the English subtitles. Frequently they don't make sense or are confusing ?.
@rodriguesgoncalves55: Hello Iwona. Congratulations on your work, your professionalism, and your care for the truck and the load. Unfortunately, it was not possible to show the load or the cargo, but it is part of the company's rules. I was a truck driver here in Brazil for sixteen years, and today I work as a hydraulic excavator operator. I have been off the road, but I really miss traveling. I was watching your channel, the older videos, and you talked about how you started working at an early age with your family, a beautiful life story. The link to the video was this: /watch?v=OPIKT6F7u6c. God bless you! RodriguesGonçalves. Brazil/ RS/ Bagé.
@HamidMf-gx8eg: ?
@marlonescobar9778: ❤?
@wojciechszymanski5693: Iwona blecharczyk zajęczysz plis mi na mesegera
@DanivalGomesCardoso: Parabéns, Iwona feliz seguidores também felizes obrigada guerreira.
@DanivalGomesCardoso: Seguindo VC do ??.
@tadeuszpietrzak2732: Witaj Iwona!Kochamy Cię.Za nic.Bo jesteś.Tylko spróbuj nie być.Wariatko.?✊????
@markgordon6971: You are a very beautiful truck driver. ?
@tadeuszpietrzak2732: Od Elke.To ma tak być.???nie inaczej.Pozdro z trasy.Oby tak.
@bmichal: Dzień dobry. Super film. Pozdrawiam
@????-o7c: 伊音奈 おはようございます。お疲れ様です。忙しい毎日、お身体ご自愛ください。 megurrokuTOKYO 1118.0910am
@gordbaker896: Nice to see you again. You and your ride are looking very good. Beware the Modules.♥♥
@????-o7c: 追伸 クレープは50年前に東京銀座でアルバイトしていた時にヒットしました。今は原宿竹下通りのクレープ店が人気です。?
@Arsal_radeya: Hai girls
@acssantos6086: ❤❤❤❤❤?????????
@DennisCruzado-ck2bd: teach me to drive iwona❤
@carlitovillamarin7696: Take care always.
I'm CARLITO from the Philippines.
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