1 Księga Samuela || Rozdział 24 - Langusta na palmie

Przeczytajmy razem całe Pismo Święte! Codziennie czytamy 1 rozdział życiodajnego SŁOWA BOGA. Wykorzystano najnowszy przekład Pisma Świętego z komentarzem, opracowany przez Zespół Biblistów Polskich z inicjatywy Towarzystwa Świętego Pawła (Edycja Święteg

@irenejanski3425: Wspanialy Dawid ❤
@iwonaszymanska1774: Bóg zapłać ??♥️♥️
@eworella1116: 1 Sam 24 David Spares Saul's Life 1-2:" ...Saul took 3 thousand....soldiers....& went looking 4 David...."; 3:" He came to a cave....to relieve himself. It happened to be the very cave in which David & his men were hiding far back...."; 4:" They said to him, This is your chance! The LORD has told u that he would put your enemy in your power....David crept over & cut off a piece of Saul's rope...."; 5:" But then David's conscience (?) began to trouble him, 6:" ....May the LORD keep me from doing any harm (❣️) ...."; 7:" So David convinced (?) his men that they should not attack Saul. Saul got up, left the cave, & started on his way. "; 8:" Then David went out after him & called to him, Your Majesty! Saul turned round, & David bowed down....9:" & said, Why do u listen to people who say that I am trying to harm u?"; 10:" U can see 4 yourself (?) that just now in the cave the LORD put u in my power (?) ....but I felt sorry (?) 4 u ..."; 11:" Look, my father (?), look at the piece of your robe I am holding! (?) I could have killed u....This should convince u (?) that I have no thought of rebelling against u or of harming u. U are hunting me down (?) to kill me (?) , even though I have not done u any wrong (?); 12:" May the LORD (?) judge which one of us is wrong! May he punish u (?❣️) 4 your actions against me, 4 I will not harm u ...."; 13:" ....Evil is done only (?) by evil men (?❣️) & so I will not harm u (?) "; 15:" The LORD will judge, & he will decide which one of us is wrong. May he look into the matter (❣️) , defend me (❣️) , & save me from u (?❣️) ; 16:" ....Saul said, Is that really u, David my son (?)? And he started crying."; 17:" Then he said to David, U are right & I am wrong (?) U have been so good to me while I have done such wrong to u ! "; 18" Today (?) you have shown how good u are to me...."; 19:" ...The LORD bless u (❣️) 4 what y have done to me today!"; 20:" Now I am sure (?) that u will be the king of Israel & that the kingdom will continue (?) under your rule."; 21:" But promise me in the LORD'S name that u will spare my descendants (?) ..."; 22:" David promised that he would. Then Saul went back home, & David & his men went back to their hiding place (?) ??
@janinaw4236: Nie wystarczy umieć żyć zgodnie z przykazaniami trzeba nadto stać się tak dobrym wewnetrznie ,ż e aż się nie umie czynić zła. Pięknego , błogosławionego dnia życzę wszystkim słuchającym słów Bożych z Panem Bogiem pozdrawiam serdecznie ♥️♥️♥️
@beatakamaszewska3060: Bóg zapłać O.Adasiu.Jezu prowadz.❤???
@bozenaheneburg5407: ❤❤
@jolantamosirer5768: Bóg zapłać Ojcze Adamie, Błogosławionego dnia ❤
@krystynafedorowicz2996: Dziękuję za rozważenie kolejnego rozdziału ??? Księgi Samuela. Szczęść Boże ?❤️.
Zło dobrem zwyciężaj ???
@magorzatakurczok6965: ?♥️
@BarbaraRomek-mx5ni: ?❤️?
@WandaPoluszak: ❤❤❤?
@ilonagardens: Bóg zapłać ❤
@magdi.w: ?
@stanislawal1766: Serdeczne Bóg zapłać ❤ Błogosławionego dnia dla wszystkich, kochani ? ??
@martagnyp4191: Dziękuję!!!
@lidiakabat7675: ❤️?❤️
@luizasankowska6600: Amen. ?
Film osadzony źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3h9PxmwvXk