Behind the Scenes of Captain America: Brave New World - Marvel Entertainment
Need a refresher on the supporting characters of Captain America: Brave New World? We’ve got you covered with a deep dive on Thaddeus Ross, Joaquin Torres, Isaiah Bradley, Betty Ross, and Samuel, Captain America: Brave New World stars Anthony Ma
@??-x4k: did it good movie?
@ReedMcCalvin: The movie was so good. Closest to the Winter Soldier in tone.
@gerardfelix163: Good movie! Family enjoyed it overall. The Final Battle / Flight Scenes on Tiamut Island! Maaaan that was good!
@hvj157: Most wonderful movie of the year!!!!
@Aneto-z2h: Dica trás as novas séries para o público ver principal dublado pro pertugues❤
@soum16892: They introduce adamantium? in movie
@floppydisk9541: I never mix politics with entertainment. But this one is different. The fact that characters got removed in previous MCU movies. But this one, they keep captain mosad in the movie. Amazing. They spent millions in reshoot just to keep her in while she is insignificant to the plotline. I hope its worth it, Disney you are so obedient therefore you'll lose millions of money.
@chiefnotit418: wonder why there’s no interview of the IDF actress
@YelaButch97: Things I liked - Red Hulk, Vibranium. Things I disliked - Leader didn't even have a big green head with a widows peak hairdo on top, it's just a growth wart head with a green eye, why did that take literally 17 years to tie up? And Ross is like, "Let's make Avengers great again" and then "OG" Captain America tries to Winter Soldier him and Ross blames Falcon for it and changes his mind, also Falcon is just a man, not a super soldier and CANNOT throw the shield as hard as Steve and yet flings it around like a superhuman, and I most dislike the writing. Quips that don't work and feel forced, you can't even compare this to Winter Soldier or Civil War, which they clearly tried to do. Man, I miss the heyday of the MCU until 2019 or MAYBE 2021 with No Way Home, which, except for the cameos, really does not hold up when watching without a cheering audience, and just feels cheesy. Example : Doc Ock says his name is Otto Octavius and fake Mary Jane laughs at it. Obviously, as a long-time viewer since 08's Iron Man, I hope they can find their footing again. I will tune in for F4, Doomsday and Secret Wars but if they have the quality of this film, then I think I will end my future marathon views wi5h Endgame, where you can feel that that the creators actually cared. For context I am 27 years old and literally grew up with Marvel movies, but even though i knew they were comic movies, they took themselves seriously and that i was watching something special. 5/10.
@johnad8933: Want edword norton as comeback incredible hulk
@Sengse77: the worst marvel movie. i give 4/10
@soum16892: 5/10 movie, not even close to other cap movies. Another disappointment from the MCU.
@Purplegelatinmations: “Don’t ever speak to me as your daughter again” ?
@thetahir1992: Is this podcast AI generated? Feels very hollow.
@daniloafeliciano: Still debating on whether to watch this.
@markk7731: Clearly the director doesn't understand that Steve Rogers had character before he took the Serum. He was a small, scrawny kid who wanted to serve the country he loved. Therefore, character made him the perfect candidate for the serum.
On the other hand, Falcon and Winter Soldier shows Sam giving sympathy to a terrorist organization and blaming white males for the terrorism and oppression during the 2021 BLM/Antifa riots. Therefore, Sam supporting TERRORISTS in a D+ series NOBODY watched makes Sam a poor candidate for the shield and the name Captain America. I'll call him Captain Falcon.
On the other hand, Falcon and Winter Soldier shows Sam giving sympathy to a terrorist organization and blaming white males for the terrorism and oppression during the 2021 BLM/Antifa riots. Therefore, Sam supporting TERRORISTS in a D+ series NOBODY watched makes Sam a poor candidate for the shield and the name Captain America. I'll call him Captain Falcon.
@daspooch8105: The Marvel bot comment accounts are hilarious on these vids. Even the shill access media outlets can't give this movie a good score LMAO
@Lokiproooo: ????????
@MohammedMahmoud-r4i: Free Palestine ??
@iraford5788: Really solid movie imo.
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