MESMERISING Audition Hypnotises The Judges & Wins The Golden Buzzer! - Got Talent Global
Dance Group \"Black Widow\" win Mara Maionchi\'s Golden Buzzer on Italy\'s Got Talent! ▶︎ Watch more Got Talent here: @gottalentglobal ▶︎ Facebook: ▶︎ Twitter: ▶︎ Instagram: ▶︎ Subscribe to Got Talent Global: Got Talent Global brings together the
@mustafarashid1695: This act reminded me of The Mayyas
@whistleblower9182: 很精彩❤❤❤
@ScottRandolph-dd7dr: ? Impressive. Watching from coastal Mississippi ?
@MadMan559est69: The dance of Shiva, the goddess of destruction, bad news as it gives worship to a faults god ☠️??
@???-m2s: ?? this so beautiful ❤️?
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