VAC 3.0 BAN CHEATER WITH $60K SKINS! CS2 HIGHLIGHTS - Counter Strike Proland

Swap your CS2 skins on PirateSwap ✅ Check out 10% bonus and $0.50 with code \"PROLAND\" SEND YOUR CLIPS TO: In this cs2 video I will talk about a cheater getting hit hard by the new VAC 3.0 anti cheat system! Watch as thisayer, who was flaunting a mas

@jjp9721: Its my time!
@sd5rtgfcdgfdc888: Cheater got rekt =D
@LosRuegos: I would listen to an endless loop of banned cheaters crying when I'm going to bed!
@maikelele8554: ngl being bad with a 60k inventory is wild, especially in china arent they more serious abt cheating
@behrangkhazaie3355: I actually had a live vac 3 on 1 of my games. I think it actually is starting to work
@Sephiroth892: VAC is dogshit... no opinions needed.
@LarrikinCS: valve bans everyone except spinbotters at this point dont think this guy cheated so hard
@haiyaaz362: Lol dude did a back alley oop in the 1st clip
@mehmetaliozdemir320: hhhh xddd
@pcgames4212: Aren't you afraid that VAC 3.0 will confuse your good game with cheating?
@steeflers: Shocked ban
@MykeyDon: What happens to all the items?
@lukinhopoki8955: Its sad to see all of those skins go to waste, some people really dont appreciate stuff they have untill its gone
@JalalChaer: Need u to upload more ? love yr videos dude
@andysprayogi1871: Hahahahahaha nice ?
@LeDess: valve should take those banned skins and do giveaways or maybe put them in weekly drops, imagine dropping an howl!! ??
@iscoD1sco: Cs2 = cheater strike 2
@alessandroiso9082: Nice video Dio sporco
@JazzyGamingYT: ❤❤
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