Kanał: League of Legends - Polska

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Wstępna ocena 1. sezonu | Aktualizacja deweloperów — League of Legends
  • 13 godz. temu
  • 14:41

Pabro i Meddler uzasadniają decyzję o usunięciu Skrzyń Hextech, zapowiadają kolejne zmiany Przepustki bojowej i nie tylko. Phroxzon i Riot Cadmus omawiają zmiany w rozgrywce w 1. sezonie, Szybką Grę i nowości w powracającej Arenie. League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips...

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TBD vs TBD | 2025 LCK Cup Play Ins | LeagueOfLegends LCK
  • 13 godz. temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ OpeningTitle BGM - PremiumBeat Track / XRCCN8DFDZKMUXBJ #leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendspolska #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #sezon2024 #lck #lck2025 #newseason #lck_korea #lckhighlights #korea #jankos #nervarien #delord #hle #t1 #faker #silvan

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T1 vs NS HLE vs DRX | 2025 LCK Cup Play Ins | LeagueOfLegends LCK
  • 13 godz. temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ OpeningTitle BGM - PremiumBeat Track / XRCCN8DFDZKMUXBJ #leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendspolska #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #sezon2024 #lck #lck2025 #newseason #lck_korea #lckhighlights #korea #jankos #nervarien #delord #hle #t1 #faker #silvan

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DRX vs DNF BRO vs NS | 2025 LCK Cup Play Ins | LeagueOfLegends LCK
  • 1 dni temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ OpeningTitle BGM - PremiumBeat Track / XRCCN8DFDZKMUXBJ #leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendspolska #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #sezon2024 #lck #lck2025 #newseason #lck_korea #lckhighlights #korea #jankos #nervarien #delord #hle #t1 #faker #silvan

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Popraw swoją grę na Elise razem z Kikis1205! lolpl grajjakpros kikis
  • 1 dni temu
  • 26:00

Popraw swoją grę na Elise korzystając z tipów od Kikisa? O kim chcielibyście następny odcinek? Napiszcie w komentarzach! League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgames #lol #lolclips #kikis #elise #lecplayer #polishjungler

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Luźno o lidze 1 feat. CzarnyPiotruś, Vander, Bialito oraz Lewus
  • 2 dni temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #Vander #czarnypiotrus #goe #lewus #bialito #rl #Rift #Riftlegends #nervarien #podcast #luznoolidze #lol

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Jak sobie radzą Polacy w ERL I Puki Poleca 1
  • 3 dni temu
  • 01:04

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #arcane #puki #pukistyle #lec #rift #riftlegends #polacy #rl

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  • 3 dni temu
  • 59:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #leagueoflegendsworlds #noxus #summonersrift #atakhan #veggie #lewus #mrozku #bezi #vladimir #katarina #ambessa

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LoreCast Sezon 2 Jinx i Arcane z Marvecc & Silv4n
  • 4 dni temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #arcane #marvecc #silvan #silv4n #lorecast

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Ulubiona ZMIANA wśród graczy League of Legends!
  • 4 dni temu
  • 28:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #leagueoflegendsworlds #noxus #summonersrift #atakhan #veggie #lewus #mrozku #bezi

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Warwick sprawia problemy? kmnt ma na to sposób!
  • 1 tyg temu
  • 49:00

️https://twitter.com/kmntxd League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #leagueoflegendsworlds #warwick #howtoplay #howtocounter

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T1 vs GEN BRO vs DK | 2025 LCK Cup | LeagueOfLegends LCK
  • 1 tyg temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ OpeningTitle BGM - PremiumBeat Track / XRCCN8DFDZKMUXBJ #leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendspolska #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #sezon2024 #lck #lck2025 #newseason #lck_korea #lckhighlights #korea #jankos #nervarien #delord #hle #t1 #faker #silvan

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Te trzy tipy na Sylasa od Czekolad pomogą Ci zdobywać LPki! lolpl grajjakpros czekolad
  • 1 tyg temu
  • 31:00

Te trzy tipy na Sylasa od Czekolada pomogą Ci zdobywać LPki? Z kim robimy następny odcinek? Piszcie w komentarzach! League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgames #lol #lolclips #czekolad #sylas #fcbarcelona #fbc #barcalol #barcaesports #lvplol #lvp #fcbczekolad

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Gra w CZÓŁKO w świecie League of Legends! Edycja NOXUS
  • 1 tyg temu
  • 57:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #leagueoflegendsworlds #noxus #summonersrift #ambessa #katarina #darius

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Mel Odbicie Duszy | Oficjalny motyw bohaterki — League of Legends
  • 1 tyg temu
  • 03:24

Dźwięk niezachwianej pewności. Posłuchajcie nowego oficjalnego motywu Mel Odbicia Duszy. Mel — umiejętności w skrócie (strona): https://www.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/news/game-updates/mel-abilities-rundown/ League of Legends — pobierz za darmo i graj https://signup.leagueoflegends.com/ Muzyka: Alexander Temple, Sebastien Najand Miks i mastering: Alexander Temple Producent wykonawczy: Riot Music Team Altówka solo: Erik Rynearson Harfa solo: Alison Bjorkedal Nagrania: Hollywood Scoring, Los Angeles Koordynator pracy orkiestry: Noah...

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LoreCast Sezon 2 Komiks o Mel oraz Quiz dla widzów z Marvecc & Silv4n
  • 1 tyg temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #arcane #marvecc #silvan #silv4n #lorecast

wides.pl Vuc7mikP2AE
czy nadajecie się na noxiańskiego sklepikarza?
  • 2 tyg temu
  • 25:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ #leagueoflegends #league #leagueoflegendsclips #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #leagueoflegendsworlds

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Mel, el Reflejo del Alma | Música de la campeona League of Legends
  • 2 tyg temu
  • 02:58

El sonido de una convicción inquebrantable. Escuchad la música oficial de Mel, el Reflejo del Alma. Resumen de las habilidades de Mel: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/news/game-updates/mel-abilities-rundown/ League of Legends - Descargar y jugar gratis https://signup.euw.leagueoflegends.com/es/ League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/...

wides.pl 3ASaEg1EWzg
HLE vs DK GEN vs DNF | 2025 LCK Cup | LeagueOfLegends LCK
  • 2 tyg temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ OpeningTitle BGM - PremiumBeat Track / XRCCN8DFDZKMUXBJ #leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendspolska #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #sezon2024 #lck #lck2025 #newseason #lck_korea #lckhighlights #korea #jankos #nervarien #delord #hle #t1 #faker #silvan

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DRX vs BFX T1 vs KT | 2025 LCK Cup | LeagueOfLegends LCK
  • 2 tyg temu
  • 00:00

League of Legends: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leagueoflegends_polska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegendspolska Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolpl Strona Internetowa: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl-pl/ OpeningTitle BGM - PremiumBeat Track / XRCCN8DFDZKMUXBJ #leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendspolska #leaguematches #leagueclips #riot #riotgame #riotgames #lol #lolclips #sezon2024 #lck #lck2025 #newseason #lck_korea #lckhighlights #korea #jankos #nervarien #delord #hle #t1 #faker #silvan